



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (2) ; 15-17 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240033.

To predict the preventive effect of nursing health education on diabetic high-risk foot patients

作者: 陈秀芳 *

西安交通大学第一附属医院老年内二科 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 陈秀芳,单位:西安交通大学第一附属医院老年内二科 陕西西安;

发布时间: 2024-02-27 总浏览量: 335


目的 探究预见护理与健康教育应用在糖尿病足高危患者中的预防效果。方法 此次为护理研究,开展时间为2022年8月-2023年8月,研究样本共计66例,均为我院就诊的糖尿病足高危患者,随机分成2组,根据护理方案命名组名:实施常规护理组为对照组,在常规护理基础上实施预见护理与健康教育组为观察组,比对差异化护理效果对糖尿病足的预防效果。结果 经统计学分析与比对可知,观察组糖尿病足发生率低于对照组,分别为6.06%(2/33)、24.24%(8/33),差异具有显著性,P<0.05;观察组各方面护理干预措施满意度评分数据值均高于对照组,差异具有显著性,P<0.05。结论 在常规护理措施基础上,对糖尿病足高危患者应用预见护理与健康教育能够起到十分显著的预防作用,有助于提高该类患者疾病认知水平,从而可以降低糖尿病足发生率。

关键词: 糖尿病足;预见护理;健康教育;预防效果


Objective To explore the preventive effect of predictive nursing and health education in high-risk patients with diabetic foot.
Methods This was a nursing study, conducted from August 2022 to August 2023, with a total of 66 samples, all high-risk patients with diabetic foot admitted to our hospital, randomly divided into 2 groups, which were named according to the nursing plan: The preventive effect of differentiated nursing on diabetic foot was compared between the control group and the observation group.
Results After statistical analysis and comparison, the incidence of diabetic foot in the observation group was lower than that in the control group, which was 6.06% (2/33) and 24.24% (8/33), respectively, and the difference was significant (P < 0.05). The satisfaction scores of all aspects of nursing interventions in the observation group were higher than those in the control group, and the difference was significant (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   On the basis of routine nursing measures, the application of predictive nursing and health education for high-risk patients with diabetic foot can play a very significant preventive role, help to improve the disease cognition level of these patients, and reduce the incidence of diabetic foot.

Key words: Diabetic foot; Foresight nursing; Health education; Preventive effect

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