



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (8) ; 177-177 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20241254.

Correction: Wu Xiao, Strengthening the Education and Management of Nursing Core System and Its Impact on Clinical Internship of Nursing Interns
期刊勘误:吴晓, 加强护理核心制度教育管理对护理实习生临床实习的影响

作者: 吴晓1,2 *

1博仁大学中文国际学院 拉克西曼谷泰国
2滨州职业学院基础护理教研室 山东滨州

*通讯作者: 吴晓,单位:博仁大学中文国际学院 拉克西曼谷泰国滨州职业学院基础护理教研室 山东滨州;

发布时间: 2024-08-30 总浏览量: 49


【原文内容】滨州职业学院基础护理教研室 山东滨州
【修改内容】1博仁大学中文国际学院 拉克西曼谷泰国;2滨州职业学院基础护理教研室 山东滨州

关键词: 护理核心制度教育管理;实习生;管理质量;职业认同感;满意度


【Explanation】 The impact of strengthening the education and management of the core nursing system on the clinical internship of nursing interns' article has been corrected due to a change in the author's affiliation. The editorial board and editorial department hereby declare in accordance with international publishing requirements: The impact of strengthening the education and management of nursing core system on the clinical internship of nursing interns
【Total pages】 4 pages (P37-P40)
【Original content】Teaching and Research Department of Basic Nursing, Binzhou Vocational College, Binzhou, Shandong
【Revision】1 Dhurakij Pundit University, DPU, Chinese International College,CIC, Laksi, Bangkok, Thailand; 2 Teaching and Research Department of Basic Nursing, Binzhou Vocational College, Binzhou, Shandong

Key words: Nursing core system education management; Intern; Management quality; Professional identity; satisfaction

参考文献 References


吴晓, 期刊勘误:吴晓, 加强护理核心制度教育管理对护理实习生临床实习的影响[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2024; 6: (8) : 177-177.