



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (10) ; 108-110 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240342.

Study on the application effect of comprehensive nursing intervention in the nursing of patients with diabetes nephropathy

作者: 连小萱 *

武威市人民医院 甘肃武威

*通讯作者: 连小萱,单位:武威市人民医院 甘肃武威;

发布时间: 2024-10-30 总浏览量: 246


目的 探讨糖尿病肾病患者使用综合护理干预的应用效果。方法 纳入2022年9月~2023年9月我院收治的糖尿病肾病患者70例,按照随机对照方式分为对照组(常规护理干预,35例)和观察组(综合护理干预,35例),对比两组护理效果。结果 干预前两组血糖情况差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。干预后观察组患者空腹血糖、采餐后2h血糖、日间血糖水平绝对差指标均显著低于对照组,差异均存在统计学意义(P<0.05)。且自我管理能力各维度评分均显著高于对照组,差异均存在统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对糖尿病肾病患者使用综合护理干预能够显著改善患者血糖情况,帮助血糖稳定,提高其自我护理能力,具有应用价值。

关键词: 综合护理干预;糖尿病肾病;护理效果


Objective To explore the application effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on patients with diabetes nephropathy.
Methods Totally 70 patients with diabetes nephropathy admitted to our hospital from September 2022 to September 2023 were included. They were randomly divided into the control group (35 patients with conventional nursing intervention) and the observation group (35 patients with comprehensive nursing intervention) according to the control method. The nursing effects of the two groups were compared.
Results There was no statistically significant difference in blood glucose levels between the two groups before intervention (P>0.05). After intervention, the absolute difference indicators of fasting blood glucose, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose, and daytime blood glucose levels in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Moreover, the scores of self-management ability in all dimensions were significantly higher than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The use of comprehensive nursing intervention for patients with diabetes nephropathy can significantly improve their blood sugar situation, help stabilize blood sugar, and improve their self-care ability, which has application value.

Key words: Comprehensive nursing intervention; Diabetes nephropathy; Nursing effect

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