



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (10) ; 148-150 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240354.

Evaluation of the application effect of scenario simulation in emergency specialty admission assessment

作者: 刘春蕾 *

中山火炬开发区人民医院 广东中山

*通讯作者: 刘春蕾,单位:中山火炬开发区人民医院 广东中山;

发布时间: 2024-10-31 总浏览量: 190


目的 本研究旨在评估情景模拟在急诊专科准入考核中的应用效果,以期验证其对提高医务人员应急响应能力和专业素养的影响。方法 选取2023年4月至2024年4月在我院进行急诊专科学习的20名医务人员,按照随机数字表法将医务人员分为对照组和实验组,各10名,其中对照组采用常规的理论培训和操作演示,实验组在此基础上增加了情景模拟训练,内容主要包括心肺复苏、急性心梗处理以及多发创伤的紧急处置培训等内容。结果 实验组的知识掌握度评分(90.3±4.8)分和临床操作技能评分(88.7±4.5)分均显著高于对照组(78.4±5.2分和75.6±6.1分),P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论 情景模拟作为一种培训方式,其能够显著提升急诊医务人员的专业知识掌握度和临床操作技能,值得在在急诊专科准入考核中进行广泛的应用,以提升医务人员的综合能力。

关键词: 情景模拟;急诊;培训;考核


Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application effect of scenario simulation in the admission assessment of emergency department, in order to verify its impact on improving the emergency response ability and professionalism of medical staff.
Results Twenty medical personnel who were studying in our hospital in emergency department from April 2023 to April 2024 were selected and divided into control group and experimental group with 10 medical personnel in each group according to random number table method. The control group received routine theoretical training and operational demonstration, while the experimental group received scenario simulation training on this basis. The contents mainly include cardiopulmonary resuscitation, acute myocardial infarction treatment and emergency treatment of multiple trauma training.
Results The scores of knowledge mastery (90.3±4.8) and clinical operation skills (88.7±4.5) in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group (78.4±5.2 and 75.6±6.1), P<0.05, and the difference was statistically significant.
Conclusion   As a training method, scenario simulation can significantly improve the professional knowledge mastery and clinical operation skills of emergency medical personnel, and it is worthy of extensive application in the admission assessment of emergency medical specialties, so as to improve the comprehensive ability of medical personnel.

Key words: Scenario simulation; Emergency treatment; Training; Assessment

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刘春蕾, 情景模拟在急诊专科准入考核中的应用效果评估[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2024; 6: (10) : 148-150.