



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (12) ; 98-100 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240453.

The impact of collaborative nursing management between medical staff and patients on stress response and incidence of complications during the treatment of cardiovascular surgery patients

作者: 王智峰 *

烟台莱州市人民医院 山东烟台

*通讯作者: 王智峰,单位:烟台莱州市人民医院 山东烟台;

发布时间: 2024-12-31 总浏览量: 266


目的 探讨心血管外科患者在治疗期间,实施医护合作型护理管理对应激反应及并发症发生率的影响。方法 在本次研究中,从本院精心挑选了80名心血管外科患者作为研究对象,并遵循随机原则,将这些患者分为两组。其中,对照组有40名患者,接受的是常规护理;而研究组同样包含40名患者,但他们接受的是医护合作型护理管理模式。随后,系统收集并对比分析了两组在不同护理模式下的效果差异。结果 研究组患者术后的心率与平均动脉压相比对照组呈现出明显降低,且研究组患者的并发症出现频率显著低于对照组,这一差异在统计学上具有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 针对心血管外科患者的救治,采用医护合作型护理管理,能够显著降低患者在治疗期间的应激反应和并发症,呈现出更为卓越的护理成效。

关键词: 医护合作型护理管理;心血管外科;应激反应;并发症发生率


Objective To explore the effect of implementing medical staff cooperative nursing management on stress response and incidence of complications in cardiovascular surgery patients during treatment.
Methods In this study, 80 cardiovascular surgery patients were carefully selected from our hospital as the research subjects, and following the principle of randomization, these patients were divided into two groups. Among them, there were 40 patients in the control group who received routine care; The research group also included 40 patients, but they received a collaborative nursing management model between medical and nursing staff. Subsequently, the system collected and compared the differences in effectiveness between the two groups under different nursing modes.
Results The postoperative heart rate and mean arterial pressure of the study group patients showed a significant decrease compared to the control group, and the frequency of complications in the study group patients was significantly lower than that in the control group. This difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion   For the treatment of cardiovascular surgery patients, adopting a collaborative nursing management approach between medical staff and nursing staff can significantly reduce patients' stress reactions and complications during treatment, presenting more outstanding nursing outcomes.

Key words: Collaborative nursing management between medical and nursing staff; Cardiovascular surgery; Stress response; Incidence of complications

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王智峰, 医护合作型护理管理对心血管外科患者治疗期间应激反应及并发症发生率的影响[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2024; 6: (12) : 98-100.