



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (12) ; 128-130 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240463.

Analysis of the impact of comprehensive nursing on the rehabilitation effect of patients with bipolar disorder

作者: 于芳 *

山东省戴庄医院 山东济宁

*通讯作者: 于芳,单位:山东省戴庄医院 山东济宁;

发布时间: 2024-12-31 总浏览量: 372


目的 分析全面护理对双向情感障碍患者康复效果的影响。方法 该研究总共纳入60例实验对象,均是2021年6月至2022年6月到医院诊治双向情感障碍患者,利用随机数字表法进行分组,其中30例开展常规护理的患者纳入常规组,余下30例实施全面护理的患者纳入实验组。运用健康调查简表(SF-36)对比两组的生活质量,统计两组的危险行为。结果 干预后,在精力评分、精神评分、健康评分及生理评分上,实验组均高于常规组(P<0.05)。在危险行为发生率上,实验组低于常规组(P<0.05)。结论 在双向情感障碍患者的康复治疗期间,实施全面护理的效果良好,有助于改善生活质量,预防危险行为的发生,临床可进一步推广应用。

关键词: 双向情感障碍;全面护理;生活质量;危险行为


Objective To analyze the impact of comprehensive nursing on the rehabilitation effect of patients with bipolar disorder.
Methods A total of 60 experimental subjects were included in this study, all of whom received treatment for bipolar disorder in the hospital from June 2021 to June 2022. Random number table method was used for grouping, with 30 patients receiving routine nursing included in the routine group and the remaining 30 patients receiving comprehensive nursing included in the experimental group. Using the Health Survey Brief (SF-36) to compare the quality of life between two groups and analyze their risk behaviors.
Results After intervention, the experimental group showed higher scores in energy, mental, health, and physiological aspects compared to the control group (P<0.05). The incidence of dangerous behavior in the experimental group was lower than that in the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   During the rehabilitation treatment of patients with bipolar disorder, the implementation of comprehensive nursing has a good effect, which helps to improve the quality of life and prevent the occurrence of risky behaviors. It can be further promoted and applied in clinical practice.

Key words: bipolar disorder; Comprehensive care; Quality of life; Dangerous act

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