



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (6) ; 742-744 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200231.

A case of abdominal cavity wound caused by insulin injection

作者: 成恋 *

同济大学附属上海市第四人民医院 上海

*通讯作者: 成恋,单位:同济大学附属上海市第四人民医院 上海;

发布时间: 2020-10-16 总浏览量: 905


目的 通过对一例长期注射胰岛素后导致的腹部出现的腔洞型伤口进行目标性的数据化评估,处理分析,积累并总结伤口护理经验。方法 使用数据化评估指标对患者全身及局部伤口进行评估,加强医护合作并选用合理的药物及治疗护理方法处理此例伤口,同时配合关注患者护理中的情绪及心理问题,做好自我护理能力的健康教育。结果 通过3周的伤口护理,患者的伤口由大小为4*5cm2,按时钟描述法的潜行4点到8点深度5cm到7.5cm,至伤口达到临床愈合。结论 使用数据化评估,选用合适有效的药物,配合心理及健康教育能够使伤口达到早期愈合。

关键词: 胰岛素注射;腔洞型伤口;焦虑;浓氯化钠


Objective: To evaluate a case of abdominal cavity wound caused by long-term insulin injection, process and analyze, accumulate and summarize wound nursing experience. Method The data-based evaluation index was used to evaluate the whole body and local wounds of the patients. The cooperation between doctors and nurses was strengthened, and the reasonable drugs and treatment and nursing methods were selected to deal with the wound. At the same time, the emotional and psychological problems in patient care were paid attention to, and the health education of self-care ability was done well. Result Through 3 weeks of wound care, the patient's wound size was 4 * 5cm2 and the depth was 5cm to 7.5cm from 4 o'clock to 8:00 by clock description method until the wound healed clinically.
Conclusion   The use of data-based assessment, the selection of appropriate and effective drugs, combined with psychological and health education can make the wound early healing.

Key words: Insulin Injection; Cavity Wound; Anxiety; Concentrated Sodium Chloride

参考文献 References






成恋, 一例胰岛素注射导致腹部腔洞型伤口的案例[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (6) : 742-744.