



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (2) ; 57-60 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20220047.

Infection risk and countermeasures in Fangcang shelter hospitals under the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Langfang

作者: 张玉敏 *, 蒋彩霞, 孙素娟, 杨凯悦, 曹磊, 王芳

河北省人民医院神经外三科 河北石家庄

*通讯作者: 张玉敏,单位:河北省人民医院神经外三科 河北石家庄;

发布时间: 2022-06-28 总浏览量: 348



关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎;方舱医院;感染防控;经验总结


Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia in Hubei in early 2020, it has been plaguing us and even affecting our normal life. Eight provincial medical support teams have come to support this Langfang epidemic. The anti-epidemic medical team from a provincial-level tertiary hospital in Langfang entered Langfang City on March 17, 2022. As one of the teams that entered the front line earlier, it further explored the infection prevention and control measures of the medical team to reduce the risk of infection. The Omicron variant strain is highly contagious. How to take care of patients in Fangcang shelter hospitals while protecting staff from being infected is very important for hospital infection prevention and control. This article further discusses the accommodation arrangement of the anti-epidemic medical team, commuter vehicle arrangement, the process of leaving and commuting from the station, the establishment of a hospital infection prevention and control team to supervise the whole process, personnel scheduling, and summarizing the work of the infection control personnel in each shift, and improving and strengthening the training and training of workers and staff. The assessment and other aspects summarize the experience of infection prevention and control.

Key words: New Coronavirus Pneumonia; Fangcang Shelter Hospital; Infection Prevention And Control; Experience Summary

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