



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (2) ; 96-98 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20220059.

Research on the influencing factors and countermeasures of elderly nursing service demand for the elderly

作者: 叶思成 *

遵义医科大学第二附属医院综合病房 贵州遵义

*通讯作者: 叶思成,单位:遵义医科大学第二附属医院综合病房 贵州遵义;

发布时间: 2022-06-29 总浏览量: 321


目的 分析老年人老年护理服务需求影响因素,并根据分析结果提出相应的对策。方法 研究开展的时间跨度为2020年12月-2021年12月;在该阶段对研究样本进行明确,主要来源于在我院接受治疗的老年患者,选取典型代表90例进行具体分析,通过调查问卷的方式了解影响老年人护理服务需求的相关因素,并结合分析结果制定相应的对策。结果 所有的患者相关资料进行比较发现,存在较大差异的是生活能力和受教育程度,同时还包括患者的年龄和收入(P<0.05)有统计学意义。老年人的收入和受教育程度越高,其对护理服务需求就越高。对护理服务需求较弱的患者往往自理能力较强。结论 无论是社会还是医院,都应该加强老年人护理服务需求的关注,同时结合实际情况进行相应的改善,为了老年人提供优质的护理服务,使其晚年生活质量得到显著提高。

关键词: 老年人;护理服务需求;影响因素;对策


Objective To analyze the influencing factors of the elderly nursing service demand, and to propose corresponding countermeasures according to the analysis results.
Methods: The time span of the study was from December 2020 to December 2021; at this stage, the research samples were clarified, mainly from elderly patients receiving treatment in our hospital, and 90 typical representatives were selected for specific analysis. The questionnaire was used to understand the relevant factors affecting the needs of elderly care services, and the corresponding countermeasures were formulated based on the analysis results.
Results: All patient-related data were compared and found that there were significant differences in living ability and educational level, as well as patients' age and income (P<0.05). The higher the income and education level of the elderly, the higher the demand for nursing services. Patients with weaker needs for nursing services tend to have stronger self-care abilities.
Conclusion  : Both the society and the hospital should pay more attention to the needs of nursing services for the elderly, and at the same time make corresponding improvements based on the actual situation, provide high-quality nursing services for the elderly, and significantly improve the quality of life in their later years.

Key words: The Elderly; Nursing Service Demand; Influencing Factors; Countermeasures

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