



Open Access Article

International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (3) ; 144-147 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20220128.

Clinical observation of rhubarb external application shenque point combined with nursing intervention in AECOPD phlegm-heat obstructed lung type

作者: 欧伟兰 *, 龙文

惠州市第三人民医院 广东惠州

惠州市中医医院 广东惠州

*通讯作者: 欧伟兰,单位:惠州市第三人民医院 广东惠州;

发布时间: 2022-07-30 总浏览量: 303


目的 分析大黄外敷神阙穴联合护理干预在AECOPD痰热壅肺型的具体效果。方法 2020年2月至2021年6月期间,我院收治了30例AECOPD痰热壅肺型患者,将其当做本次实验的对象,通过随机分配原则,分为两组,常规西医综合治疗作为对照组,在此基础上,另加入大黄外敷神阙穴治疗以及护理干预的方式作为实验组。评估两个疗法治疗AECOPD痰热塑肺型的疗效。结果 大黄外敷神阙穴联合护理干预在AECOPD痰热壅肺型的具体效果更好,患者的各项机体指标更优,组间对比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 通过大黄外敷神阙穴联合护理干预在AECOPD痰热壅肺型的效果要明显优于其他方式,加入中医治疗方式能够有效改善患者预后,降低病症不适感与不良反应发生率。

关键词: 大黄;外敷;神阙穴;护理干预;AECOPD痰热壅肺型


Objective To analyze the specific effect of rhubarb external application of Shenque point combined with nursing intervention in AECOPD phlegm-heat obstructed lung type.
Methods: during February 2020 to June 2021, our hospital for 30 patients with AECOPD phlegm heat type indicates the lungs, as the object of this experiment, by random allocation principle, divided into two groups, conventional western medicine comprehensive treatment as control group, on this basis, the other joined rhubarb topical CV 8 point treatment and nursing intervention as the experimental group. To evaluate the efficacy of two therapies in the treatment of AECOPD phlegm-thermoplastic lung type.
Results: Rhubarb external application of Shenque point combined with nursing intervention in AECOPD phlegm-heat obstructed lung type of specific effect is better, the patient's various body indicators are better, the difference between groups has statistical significance(P<0.05).
Conclusion  : Rhubarb external application of Shenque point combined with nursing intervention in AECOPD phlegm-heat blocking lung type effect is obviously better than other methods, adding traditional Chinese medicine treatment can effectively improve the prognosis of patients, reduce the incidence of discomfort and adverse reactions.

Key words: Rhubarb; Externaltreatment; CV 8 point; Nursingintervention; AECOPD phlegm-heat obstructing lung type

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